Sunday, 28 September 2014

Chapter-23 MCQ Report Preparation and Presentation

Chapter-22 MCQ Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis

Chapter-21 MCQ Multidimensional Scaling and Conjoint Analysis

Chapter-20 MCQ Cluster Analysis

Chapter-19 MCQ Factor Analysis

Chapter-18 MCQ Discriminate and Logit Analysis

Chapter-17 MCQ Correlation and Regression

Chapter-16 MCQ Analysis of Variance and covariance

Chapter-15 MCQ Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation and Hypothesis Testing

Chapter-14 MCQ Data Preparation

Chapter-13 MCQ Fieldwork

Chapter-12 MCQ Sampling : Final and Initial Sample Size Determination

Chapter-11 MCQ Sampling : Design and Procedure

Chapter-10 MCQ Questionnaire and Form Design

Chapter-9 MCQ Measurement and Scaling : Non-Comparative Techniques

Chapter-8 MCQ Measurement and Scaling : Fundamental and Comparative Techniques

Chapter-7 MCQ Causal Research Design : Experimentation

Chapter-4 MCQ Exploratory Research Design : Secondary Data

Chapter-3 MCQ Research Design

Chapter-2 MCQ Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach

Chapter-1 MCQ Introduction to Marketing Research

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

23. Report Preparation and Presentation

22. Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis

21. Multidimensional Scaling and Conjoint Analysis

20. Cluster Analysis

19. Factor Analysis

18. Discriminate and Logit Analysis

17. Correlation and Regression

16. Analysis of Variance and covariance

15. Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation and Hypothesis Testing

14. Data Preparation

13. Fieldwork

12. Sampling : Final and Initial Sample Size Determination

11. Sampling : Design and Procedure

10. Questionnaire and Form Design

9. Measurement and Scaling : Non-Comparative Techniques

8. Measurement and Scaling : Fundamental and Comparative Techniques

7. Causal Research Design : Experimentation

5. Exploratory Research design : Qualitative Research

4. Exploratory Research Design : Secondary Data

3. Research Design

2. Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach

1. Introduction to Marketing Research